

(For a full list see below)

ATF3 induction prevents precocious activation of skeletal muscle stem cell by regulating H2B expression

Skeletal muscle stem cells (also called satellite cells, SCs) are important for maintaining muscle tissue homeostasis and damage-induced regeneration. However, it remains poorly understood how SCs enter cell cycle to become activated upon injury. Here we report that AP-1 family member ATF3 (Activating Transcription Factor 3) prevents SC premature activation. Atf3 is rapidly and transiently induced in SCs upon activation. Short-term deletion of Atf3 in SCs accelerates acute injury-induced regeneration, however, its long-term deletion exhausts the SC pool and thus impairs muscle regeneration. The Atf3 loss also provokes SC activation during voluntary exercise and enhances the activation during endurance exercise. Mechanistically, ATF3 directly activates the transcription of Histone 2B genes, whose reduction accelerates nucleosome displacement and gene transcription required for SC activation. Finally, the ATF3-dependent H2B expression also prevents genome instability and replicative senescence in SCs. Therefore, this study has revealed a previously unknown mechanism for preserving the SC population by actively suppressing precocious activation, in which ATF3 is a key regulator.

Suyang Zhang*, Feng Yang, Yile Huang, Liangqiang He, Yuying Li, Yi Ching Esther Wan, Yingzhe Ding, Kui Ming Chan, Ting Xie, Hao Sun & Huating Wang*

Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-023-40465-w

Multiscale 3D genome reorganization during skeletal muscle stem cell lineage progression and aging

Little is known about three-dimensional (3D) genome organization in skeletal muscle stem cells [also called satellite cells (SCs)]. Here, we comprehensively map the 3D genome topology reorganization during mouse SC lineage progression. Specifically, rewiring at the compartment level is most pronounced when SCs become activated. Marked loss in topologically associating domain (TAD) border insulation and chromatin looping also occurs during early activation process. Meanwhile, TADs can form TAD clusters and super-enhancer–containing TAD clusters orchestrate stage-specific gene expression. Furthermore, we uncover that transcription factor PAX7 is pivotal in enhancer-promoter (E-P) loop formation. We also identify cis-regulatory elements that are crucial for local chromatin organization at Pax7 locus and Pax7 expression. Lastly, we unveil that geriatric SC displays a prominent gain in long-range contacts and loss of TAD border insulation. Together, our results uncover that 3D chromatin extensively reorganizes at multiple architectural levels and underpins the transcriptome remodeling during SC lineage development and SC aging.


Science Advances 10.1126/sciadv.abo1360


Full List


  • Liqiang He, Hao Sun, Huating Wang; 3D organization of enhancers in MuSCs. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 2024.
  • Chen, X., Y. Li, J. Xu, Y. Cui, Q. Wu, H. Yin, Y. Li, C. Gao, L. Jiang, H. Wang, Z. Wen, Z. Yao, and Z. Wu. Styxl2 regulates de novo sarcomere assembly by binding to non-muscle myosin IIs and promoting their degradation. eLife, 2024, Doi: 10.7554/eLife.87434.2

  • 2023

  • Zhiming He, Xiaona Chen, Gexin Liu, Yuying Li, Feng Yang, Hao Sun, Huating Wang; Sugt1 loss in skeletal muscle stem cells impairs muscle regeneration and causes premature muscle aging. Life Medicine, 2023,
  • Stephanie N. Oprescu, Nick Baumann, Xiyue Chen, Qiang Sun, Yu Zhao, Feng Yue, Huating Wang & Shihuan Kuang; Sox11 is enriched in myogenic progenitors but dispensable for development and regeneration of the skeletal muscle. Skeletal Muscle, 2023,

  • Suyang Zhang, Feng Yang, Yile Huang, Liangqiang He, Yuying Li, Yi Ching Esther Wan, Yingzhe Ding, Kui Ming Chan, Ting Xie, Hao Sun & Huating Wang; ATF3 induction prevents precocious activation of skeletal muscle stem cell by regulating H2B expression. Nature Communications, 2023,

  • YU ZHAO, YINGZHE DING, LIANGQIANG HE, QIN ZHOU, XIAONA CHEN, YUYING LI, MARIA VITTORIA ALFONSI, ZHENGUO WU, HAO SUN, HUATING WANG; Multiscale 3D genome reorganization during skeletal muscle stem cell lineage progression and aging. Science Advances, 2023,

  • Yulong Qiao, Qiang Sun, Xiaona Chen, Liangqiang He, Di Wang, Ruibao Su, Yuanchao Xue, Hao Sun, Huating Wang; Nuclear m6A reader YTHDC1 promotes muscle stem cell activation/proliferation by regulating mRNA splicing and nuclear export. eLife, 2023,

  • Liangqiang He, Zhiming He, Yuying Li, Hao Sun, Huating Wang; In Vivo Investigation of Gene Function in Muscle Stem Cells by CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Genome Editing. Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells, 2023,

  • 2022

  • Chien Ting Cheng, Dan Wang, Oscar Kuang-Sheng Lee, HUATING WANG, Dai Fei Elmer Ker; Application of neural networks on in vitro-generated Raman spectra for label-free, ex vivo skeletal muscle detection. Measurement,

  • Karl Kam Hei So, Yile Huang, Suyang Zhang, Yulong Qiao, Liangqiang He, Yuying Li, Xiaona Chen, Mai Har Sham, Hao Sun, Huating Wang; seRNA PAM controls skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation and aging through trans regulation of Timp2 expression synergistically with Ddx5. Aging Cell,

  • Di Liu, Kevin Y. Yang, Vicken W. Chan, Wenchu Ye, Charing C.N. Chong, Chi Chiu Wang, Huating Wang, Bin Zhou, Kenneth K.Y. Cheng, Kathy O. Lui; YY1 Regulates Glucose Homeostasis Through Controlling Insulin Transcription in Pancreatic β-Cells. Diabetes,

  • Xiaona Chen, Guang Xue, Jieyu Zhao, Yuwei Zhang, Suyang Zhang, Wen Wang, Yang Li, Jie Yuan, Liangqiang He, Chun Yin Chan, Yan Liu, Wei Chen, Yu Zhao, Ping Hu, Hao Sun, Chun Kit Kwok, Huating Wang; Lockd promotes myoblast proliferation and muscle regeneration via binding with DHX36 to facilitate 5′ UTR rG4 unwinding and Anp32e translation. Cell Reports,

  • Lifang Han, Gang Wang, Shaopu Zhou, Chenghao Situ, Zhiming He, Yuying Li, Yudan Qiu, Yu Huang, Aimin Xu, Michael Tim Yun Ong, Huating Wang, Jianfa Zhang, Zhenguo Wu; Muscle satellite cells are impaired in type 2 diabetic mice by elevated extracellular adenosine. Cell Reports,

  • Liang C, Ke Q, Liu Z, Ren J, Zhang W, Hu J, Wang Z, Chen H, Xia K, Lai X, Wang Q, Yang K, Li W, Wu Z, Wang C, Yan H, Jiang X, Ji Z, Ma M, Long X, Wang S, Wang H, Sun H, Belmonte JCI, Qu J, Xiang AP, Liu GH; BMAL1 moonlighting as a gatekeeper for LINE1 repression and cellular senescence in primates. Nucleic Acids Res,

  • 2021

  • Hongye Wang, Yile Huang, Ming Yu, Yang Yu, Sheng Li, Huating Wang, Hao Sun, Bing Li, Guoliang Xu, Ping Hu; Muscle regeneration controlled by a designated DNA dioxygenase. Cell Death Dis,

  • Liangqiang He, Yingzhe Ding, Yu Zhao, Karl K. So, Xianlu L. Peng, Yuying Li, Jie Yuan, Zhiming He, Xiaona Chen, Hao Sun, Huating Wang; CRISPR/Cas9/AAV9-mediated in vivo editing identifies MYC regulation of 3D genome in skeletal muscle stem cell. Stem Cell Reports,

  • Xiaona Chen, Jie Yuan, Guang Xue, Silvia Campanario, Di Wang, Wen Wang, Xi Mou, Shiau Wei Liew, Mubarak Ishaq Umar, Joan Isern, Yu Zhao, Liangqiang He, Yuying Li, Christopher J. Mann, Xiaohua Yu, Lei Wang, Eusebio Perdiguero, Wei Chen, Yuanchao Xue, Yoshikuni Nagamine, Chun Kit Kwok, Hao Sun, Pura Muñoz-Cánoves, Huating Wang; Translational control by DHX36 binding to 5′UTR G-quadruplex is essential for muscle stem-cell regenerative functions. Nat Commun,

  • Yile Huang, Yulong Qiao, Yu Zhao, Yuying Li, Jie Yuan, Jiajian Zhou, Hao Sun, Huating Wang; Large scale RNA-binding proteins/LncRNAs interaction analysis to uncover lncRNA nuclear localization mechanisms. Briefings in Bioinformatics,

  • 2020

  • Kelahmetoglu Y, Jannig PR, Cervenka I, Koch LG, Britton SL, Zhou J, Wang H, Robinson MM, Nair KS, Ruas JL; Comparative Analysis of Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Signatures Associated With Aerobic Exercise Capacity or Response to Training in Humans and Rats. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 10.3389/fendo.2020.591476

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  • Kun Sun, Lishi Li, Li Ma, Yu Zhao, Lin Deng, Wang H, Hao Sun. Msuite: A High-Performance and Versatile DNA Methylation Data-Analysis Toolkit. Patterns,2020

  • Gene Chi Wai Man, Jianzhang Wang, Yi Song, Jack Ho Wong, Yu Zhao, Tat San Lau, Kam Tong Leung, Tak Hang Chan, Huating Wang, Joseph Kwong, Tzi Bun Ng & Chi Chiu Wang; Therapeutic potential of a novel prodrug of green tea extract in induction of apoptosis via ERK/JNK and Akt signaling pathway in human endometrial cancer. BMC Cancer,

  • Sun, K., Wang H & Sun, H; NAMS webserver: coding potential assessment and functional annotation of plant transcripts. Briefings in Bioinformatics,

  • Shen’ao Zhou, Wei Zhang, Gaihong Cai, Yingzhe Ding, Caixia Wei, Sheng Li, Yu Yang, Jie Qin, Dan Liu, Hao Zhang, Xiexiang Shao, Jianhua Wang, Hongye Wang, Wenjun Yang, Huating Wang, She Chen, Ping Hu & Liming Sun; Myofiber necroptosis promotes muscle stem cell proliferation via releasing Tenascin-C during regeneration. Cell Research,

  • Yuying Li, Jie Yuan, Fengyuan Chen, Suyang Zhang, Yu Zhao, Xiaona Chen, Leina Lu, Liang Zhou, Ching Yan Chu, Hao Sun, Huating Wang; Long noncoding RNA SAM promotes myoblast proliferation through stabilizing Sugt1 and facilitating kinetochore assembly. Nat Commun,

  • Linlin Hou, Yuanjie Wei, Yingying Lin, Xiwei Wang, Yiwei Lai, Menghui Yin, Yanpu Chen, Xiangpeng Guo, Senbin Wu, Yindi Zhu, Jie Yuan, Muqddas Tariq, Na Li, Hao Sun, Huating Wang, Xiaofei Zhang, Jiekai Chen, Xichen Bao, Ralf Jauch; Concurrent binding to DNA and RNA facilitates the pluripotency reprogramming activity of Sox2. Nucleic Acids Research,

  • 2019

  • Yu Zhao, Jiajian Zhou, Liangqiang He, Yuying Li, Jie Yuan, Kun Sun, Xiaona Chen, Xichen Bao, Miguel A. Esteban, Hao Sun, Wang H, MyoD induced enhancer RNA interacts with hnRNPL to activate target gene transcription during myogenic differentiation. Nat Commun 10, 5787 (2019).

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  • Zhou J, So KK, Li Y, Li Y, Yuan J, Ding Y, Chen F, Huang Y, Liu J, Lee W, Li G, Ju Z, Sun H, Wang H; Elevated H3K27ac in aged skeletal muscle leads to increase in extracellular matrix and fibrogenic conversion of muscle satellite cells. Aging Cell 2019 Jul 20:e12996.

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  • Yuan J, Zhou J, Wang H, Sun H; SKmDB: an integrated database of next generation sequencing information in skeletal muscle. Bioinformatics 2019 Mar 1;35(5):847-855.

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  • 2012

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